Two years ago I went public with, after pursuing our son’s recommendation to combine my interests in writing and photography into a blog. Glen conceived the name to reflect the proposed content. I tackled the technology.
It took me a few months to prepare the launch. I bought a domain name from, subscribed to GoDaddy web hosting, installed WordPress, set up a theme through Genesis and StudioPress, activated plugins such as Contact Form 7, Jetpack, Akismet Anti-Spam, Yoast SEO, Google Analytics and more. Am I speaking English? Although technology almost overwhelmed me, I eventually reached my comfort zone and began the familiar task of writing. Then I sent emails to friends and family inviting them to become regular readers. Later on when I needed help in securing my website, I turned to my nephew, who not only added security but also provides complimentary web hosting. Thank you Matt Meier, CEO of The Internet Centre.
I had no expectations about how many readers and subscribers my blog might engage. I wasn’t even sure how often I would come up with topics to write about. But the analytics reveal I’ve published 60 posts, 15 on Fun Facts Fridays. My blog has attracted 5909 views from 2160 visits. Comments total 662, including my responses. Predictably, most visitors live in Canada, followed by the U.S.
One astonishing and heartening result: friends and relatives of my young girlfriend and my sister, both deceased since the ’70s, happened upon my posts about them so contacted me by email. Becoming reacquainted with people from the distant past is an unanticipated boon that attests to the power of the internet.
The following posts received the highest number of views. Click on the title if you’d like to read or reread an article.
- Losing a sibling
- A house alone is not a home
- Death defined me
- Falling, yes I’m falling
- The Newcomer by Linda Richardson
Apparently readers spend an average of 2 minutes, 9 seconds on a post. Given the time I take to devise, research and write an article, one might conclude my blog doesn’t realize a decent ROI. Yet I continue to get satisfaction from this pastime.
Remember, I’ve issued an invitation to guest writers to submit articles for publication. Linda R has written two so far, one of which ranked in the top five with 121 views. If you don’t want to write a piece, at least please send your suggestions of subjects for me to address.
And so, dear readers, in marking my blog’s second anniversary, I say thanks for joining me on this journey — which is not over. For the foreseeable future you can expect to see new posts every few weeks. •
Grant McPhail says
I have enjoyed your posts!
Patricia Britton says
Two years already. Time flies. I’ve enjoyed your posts Pam. Best wishes for many more years of posting.
Nina McPhail says
Thank you Pam, for writing about so many of life’s issues to which we can all relate. I look forward to your posts during the next two years.
Linda W says
Congratulations on two years Pam. I love reading your posts and find them very interesting and quite informative.
Tim McPhail says
Hmmm, I think I’ll write a guest article on productive uses of spare time when I finally retire. You have certainly found some fine outlets for your creative talents Pam. Maybe Brother Rick will collaborate with me on a Zen of Golf submission later this winter.
Sonya Bardati says
Pam, I always look forward to reading your Blog. Congratulations, you are doing a wonderful job, it is enlightening, historical and sometimes funny and more. I love it, keep them coming.
Dana says
I really enjoy your blog and the topics you choose, and I look forward to future topics.
Bruce Stevenson says
To steal some Tim McGraw lyrics I’d say: ” I like it, I love it, I want some more of it !”.
…and as we say in Quebec, ” Lache pas!”. Great job Pam!!!
Pam McPhail says
Thanks everyone for your lovely, some humorous, words of support. Pam
Glen Wickens says
I have told Pam that after a few more years of blogging she will have enough material for a book. Then everyone can purchase a copy on Amazon and see themselves quoted. Royalties will be put towards future family reunions.
Rick says
I hope I am not the 122 view for this article. That would bump Linda R. from your top 5.
Keep up the good writing Pam. You’ve got the write stuff.
Rick M.
Ian Wallace says
Great posts, Pam. Keep at it. And start thinking about a book!
Linda Richardson says
I look forward to all of your posts Pam. Congratulations on two years of interesting research, great writing and lovely photos. Your adoring public wants more so keep the posts coming!
Patricia Young says
Congratulations on the first two years of your blog Pam! The technical knowledge you have acquired setting this up and ensuring that everything runs smoothly is impressive. However it is, of course, the content that matters. I always look forward with curiosity to your posts arriving in my inbox. What topic will Pam chose next? Keep up the good work – and if, as Glen has suggested, you eventually write a book, please make it available through more than one source! Oh yes, by the way, I love the Southwest Centre of Operations of Sunset Years. Pat
Pam McPhail says
Many readers wrote many words of praise. Many thanks for your encouragement! I am motivated to work toward a third anniversary.